976,044 Incarcerated women in Maryland
We are passionate about fighting for justice and making a difference in our community. That's why we are involved in a number of projects and initiatives that promote social justice and equality.

In 2013, MJP became the driving force behind what we believed to be the next logical step in the effort to support successful reentry and to reduce recidivism. Despite significant opposition, the legislation was passed and once again, Baltimore has the opportunity to be the catalyst to improve outcomes for those who have been in contact with the justice system.
In 2014, the City of Baltimore passed historic Ban the Box legislation for private employment applications and in doing so removed a hurdle to employment opportunities for the city’s returning population; a large demographic of Baltimore’s unemployed workforce. To date, the City of Baltimore is the only urban area within the State to take this proactive position.

Why We Do This Work
Maryland's incarcerated women serve an average of 4 years to a man's 6.8 years, they are 2x as likely to be incarcerated for a non-violent conviction, 75% of women are primary caretakers of children, and women are 3x more likely than men to head a single parent household.

Time To Vote. Do You Know Your Rights?
Advocates fight for voting rights of people in prison, awaiting trial and with criminal records

BWU's 100th Anniversary of Suffrage Commemoration Video